Celebration Gatherings
These Gatherings occur at the 34Ten Centre from 10am to 12pm. They are similar to what one expects: music, teaching, stories, and a great kids program. If you are new to CityLights, a Celebration Gathering is a great place to start.

Gospel Lights, Everywhere.
Sunday Gatherings are the launching pad not the finish line of our ministry. We are ordinary people joining Jesus in saturating Greater Vancouver because Jesus loves everyone, everywhere. In light of this, the first week of every month there is no celebration gathering to allow missional communities to meet and serve in their neighbourhoods and city.
Find out more about our vision and why we do what we do.
Find out more about our vision and why we do what we do.

More than Sundays.
There are various discipleship environments “vehicles” that help move us along towards maturity in the ways of Jesus. Sunday Gatherings are one vehicle but there are others. Missional Communities + Sunday Gatherings + D-Groups all work together to get us where we're going.
Following Jesus brings life to our whole life. He shapes Sunday and everyday. You are welcome to engage one step at a time, but there is a lot beyond Sunday.
Following Jesus brings life to our whole life. He shapes Sunday and everyday. You are welcome to engage one step at a time, but there is a lot beyond Sunday.