Our aim is to multiply disciples who make Jesus known in everyday life.
As this occurs, we will see Gospel Saturation increase as more disciples join Jesus in saturating our region with his lighty, beauty, and good news. This discipleship pathway is a process for helping disciples (apprentices of Jesus) mature and multiply. Jesus invites you to join him in what he is doing and we would love to help.

Take a step and join a Learning Cohort.
As you engage with CityLights, we invite you to use the Discipleship Pathway as a map. Let's figure out where you are on the journey and identify your next steps as a disciple who is maturing and multiplying.
The Step One Explore Learning Cohort is the first step in exploring Jesus’ invitation to follow him in everyday life and what it could look like to follow him with CityLights. We will explore our new gospel identity, God's story, and how we can join in it.
The Step Two Establish Learning Cohort is focused on establishing the rhythms of Jesus in your everyday life. We want to help you establish rhythms that help you flourish in Jesus as well as missionary rhythms so you can help others know Jesus. The aim is not knowledge based discipleship but obedience based discipleship. You will be guided to take exciting new steps of faith-filled obedience to join Jesus in his ministry and mission.