Join our team.

We are multiplying disciples who make Jesus known in everyday life so that we can participate in Gospel Saturation in our region and beyond.  You could join our team.  We have paid, non-paid/fundraised, and apprenticeship opportunities.  There are also really simple ways to serve.

Lead Pastor/ Equipper  full-time paid

Join Jesus’ work in Greater Vancouver: CityLights Church is seeking a Lead Pastor/Equipper, who is a strong Christ-follower with
a love for people and a passion for seeing people come to Jesus and mature as disciples. The successful candidate will be a
humble team leader who can unify and inspire the church community. They will possess strong relational gifts, be an effective
communicator, and have a proven track record of galvanizing for growth and developing teams. This leader will be responsible
for providing spiritual guidance, overseeing ministries, and leading in disciple-making in their own life. This leader should be
competent to lead but also comfortable coaching and cheerleading others in leadership.

CityLights Kids Director/ Equipper  part-time paid

 A leadership role for someone with organizational abilities, strong communication skills, and a passion to disciple the next generation. They will join a pioneering staff team. Previous leadership experience is essential. A good foundation has been laid and this is an excellent opportunity to join Jesus in his ministry and impact the next generation.

CityLights Kids Logistics Support part-time paid

A support role for someone with organizational abilities, strong communication skills, and a passion to disciple the next generation. They will joining a CityLights Kids leadership team and supporting administratively. Previous experience volunteering with kids ministry is recommended. A good foundation has been laid and this is an excellent opportunity to join Jesus in his ministry and impact the next generation.

Apprenticeship Opportunities — fundraised or non-paid

Apprenticeships are for those wanting to be discipled in ministry and missionary leadership for a season of 9 to 18 months, dedicating approximately 15 hours weekly. It's fitting for university students, retirees, a gap year, or one who feels called towards starting a micro church or bi-vocational ministry.

Non-paid or fundraised ministry team roles typically involve first being a part of CityLights.  They are specific ministry roles that involve some skill and capacity and could be done in a volunteer capacity with the opportunity to fundraise one's wage.