Discover God’s amazing story and how you are a part of it with “The Story of God.”

What is a Story of God Discovery Group?
A Story of God Discovery Group will help you discover and explore an overview of the whole Bible in just 9 sessions!  The story of God is told in the Bible which is a large and complex compilation of 66 different books. What we do in a session is read a few scripts that summarize parts of God’s story and then we talk about it together.  It’s simple, clear, engaging, and fun.

If you are curious to discover the story of Jesus, gain an overview of the Bible, deepen your faith, or learn more about Christianity this is great!  Maybe you are exploring spirituality or processing your source of hope or your purpose.  Understanding God’s story helps us discover where our story fits.

Who is this for?  Is it for me?
Come for the first week and try it out!  It is for anyone curious to learn. One doesn’t need to have any particular religious or spiritual background or previous knowledge to join.

It is particularly fun when a diverse group wants to discover together. We have had engaging groups that included those with secular, christian, muslim, and hindu backgrounds.

We only discuss the Story and how reflections of it. It’s not a lecture or debate.  It’s a time for discovery and dialogue around the Story of God and how this can impact our personal stories.

What does a session look like?
Typically a session involves the following:
Arrival and drinks (nad food or snacks)
Discussion reviewing the previous session and story so far.
Narrator reads the script for scene #1
Facilitator leads discussion, i.e “what did we learn about God from the story?”  what did we learn about humanity?” “what stood out to you?”
Narrator reads the script for scene #2
Facilitator leads discussion,
… conclusion

Length and depth of discussion vary based on group dynamic and size. The focused discussion time will likely take approximately 60 minutes.

The discussion is always focused on what we learned from the scenes of God’s Story shared so far.  This way everyone is discovering together and the focus is clear. This avoids anyone needing to have any spiritual or religious background and avoids tangents or debates. We are simply discovering the Story of God as told in the Bible.  It’s amazing and we are excited to discover with you!
A Sample Scene from the Story of God Material

This story is found in the Bible, and is about God, a being that was before all things, and created this earth and everything on it. God alone always does what is good and right and perfect—the Bible calls him holy.
While God was creating the foundations of the earth, angels watched with amazement, singing together and shouting for joy! ….

Then God decided he would create another being, one that was lower than the angels, called a human. So God took the earth and prepared it as a place for humans to live. His Spirit moved over the surface of the earth as…
    He made light–separating it from the darkness…
    He divided the oceans and the sky…
    He gathered the waters–so dry land would appear…  
    He grew plants, flowers, and trees with seeds to reproduce themselves…  
    He created the sun, the moon and the stars–setting the days and seasons in to motion…
    He filled the seas with fish, the sky with birds, and the earth with all kinds of wild animals!

God put great care and creativity into all of his creation, giving it unbelievable potential.  Then he looked at everything and said, “This is good!”

After he had prepared the earth God said, “Let us make humans in our image, to be like us. They will be in charge of the earth and the plants and the animals that live on it.”  

So God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed his own breath into him, giving him life. This man would be called Adam.

Later, God created the first woman, Eve, from one of Adam’s ribs, to be a companion and helper for Adam. So God created both the man and the woman in his own image.

God blessed the man and the woman with the ability to continue creating through having children.  He told them, ““Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over everything on the earth.”” He placed the humans in a beautiful garden, a place where they had everything they needed to live life to the fullest.  
In the center of the garden God placed two special trees. One was the Tree of Life and the other was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil. God gave specific instructions saying that Adam and Eve could eat from any tree in the garden, except for one—the tree that would give them knowledge of good and evil. He warned them not to eat from this tree or they would surely die…  

Daily, God would come and spend time with the humans, walking with them in the cool of the day. He showed them how to live in the best possible way—a life lived close to God, under his protection, doing the work he gave them—a life that is full and complete. Adam and Eve loved being with God.

As God looked over all of his creation he thought, “this is VERY GOOD!”  After creating all of this God rested, and he set aside a day of rest each week for his creation.

Note: The Story of God summaries originated from leaders of Soma Communities who wrote it and originally entitled it The Storyformed Way.”