We want to see Gospel Lights, Everywhere.
Ordinary people joining Jesus in saturating Greater Vancouver because Jesus loves everyone, everywhere.
Jesus will “fill all in all” (Ephesians 1:23). This is God’s purpose. It’s the grand vision revealed through His story. Jesus continues to work by his Spirit and we participate by the Holy Spirit. It also involves equipping. We want to be equipped and empowered to become reproducing disciples. This is God’s will, his mission, his vision - we are invited to be a part of it.
1. Participate on Sundays | The Gatherings are open to everyone.
2. Fast-track the Learning Cohorts | Use this time to fast-track Step one and Step two | registration below
*The Learning Cohorts are the onramp to joining a Missional Community!
Learn more about our Learning Cohorts
HERE! If you are new with CityLights Step 1 is the place to start!