FORMED AND FILLED: CityLights Retreat 2024
The CityLights Retreat is a big deal.  Amidst our hurried lives, rarely do we get unhurried, extended, intentional time together. Time to play, pray, receive, rest, enjoy, unite, encourage - to be family, to be with Christ - together.  This is a time worth investing in and open to our whole church community.  This year's schedule is utilizing the Monday stat to create more flexible space for resting and playing.  
The theme is "Formed and Filled."  We want to reflect on what forms us and what it means to be formed and standing firm in the Gospel of Jesus.  There are many confusing influences and messages in our day. One of our values is that we want to be a Gospel-fluent people - formed by the Gospel.  We also want to be filled by the Spirit.  We need power, encouragement, healing, and refreshment.  In order for us to join Jesus and stand firm in our world, we need the power of the Spirit. A weekend away like this is an excellent time for us to be filled afresh.  There will be opportunities to sign-up for prayer appointments and time for us to pray together. 
Guest speaker: Chris Synasael, church planter, Founder of West Village Church, Soma Area Leader.
Prayer Ministry guests: Ken and Reena D'sa, Elder, Missional Community leaders West Village Church
Location: Nestled in the forest of the Fraser Canyon, Camp Squeah is the perfect place to draw near to God and be refreshed.  Enjoy the tranquility of their grounds while breathing in the fresh mountain air.

Rooms are hotel style with private bathrooms. Please note that all rooms are double occupancy or family sized rooms. Married couples and families will automatically be assigned to the same room. However, if you are single and would like to have a room of your own, you can select that add-on with your registration. 
Childcare:  The aim is to have childcare provided during the sessions.  Parents are invited to bring monitors for their kids to put them down in the room and then join for games and snacks at night.
Costs: Registration covers accommodations, food, and general retreat costs. Bedding, towels, toiletries, and snacks aren't provided so please pack those with you.

If finances are holding you back from attending this event, please email and we can discuss how Citylights can help support you. There are also a limited number of rooms that are available in the Main Lodge that are $20 cheaper per person but the beds are bunk beds and washrooms are shared.  You can also email if you would prefer those accommodations instead.

Conversely, if you are able to make a donation towards helping the retreat occur and helping others participate who may struggle to afford it please e-transfer  and note "retreat help" or visit

Registration closes on November 3rd, so sign up now!

*Due to the nature of the booking, please note that all registrations are non-refundable even with cancellations.

Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. 2 By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:1–2 (NIV)